To whom it may concern,
I wish to register my support for the Hereford FC bid for the Edgar Street leases.
As a supporter, employee and broadcaster, at Edgar Street for 46 years I have been appalled by the events of the last year or so. However, now is not the time to look back as we must prioritise the future – both in the short and longer term.
The community now has a great opportunity.
In my opinion the Hereford FC bid provides everyone interested in football in the county with a focus. By accepting this proposal, the council, the HFA, local businessmen and supporters trust board members can all work in concert, thereby ensuring a sustainable and successful future for professional football in the county. Indeed, the bid also ensures a community asset is utilised effectively.
The Hereford FC bid has generated a great deal of support from across the county and beyond. I am confident the group have the skills, knowledge and enthusiasm necessary to develop a successful club.
Edgar Street remains crucial to this proposal in the short term and, whilst there can be no doubt that remedial work needs to be undertaken to its infrastructure, these deficiencies can be overcome. Indeed, the volume of initial investment and numbers volunteering to help in this task has surprised even those making the bid.
I would urge all members of the council to take note of the commitment, passion, and sheer determination of the community at large in this process.
There can be little doubt that football supporters across the county – indeed worldwide – have been shocked by the rapidity of the clubs decline. However, the liquidation of Hereford United (1939) Limited has actually become a catalyst. Supporters are demanding a community led club. This has become a rallying call for many fans and will be the initial driving force.
The community is determined to see its club handed back. A club once again rooted in Herefordshire, run by Herefordians, and involving supporters right at its decision making heart – in the boardroom.
The Hereford FC bid demonstrates how a football club based out of Edgar Street will benefit the city, its businesses, the county and the wider community.
On a personal basis I cannot wait to help kick-start Hereford FC in 2015 as I believe a bright new chapter in the community will unfold rapidly, but this can only happen if the Edgar Street lease bid is successful.
I therefore urge all Herefordshire Councillors involved in the decision making process to:
Back the Bulls – Back the Community – Back the Hereford FC Bid.
Keith Hall