In Talking Bull issue 113, a HUST 50/50 draw winner Jo Harrison shared some of her trade secrets.  Here’s a brief reminder of her wisdom…

“Park at the very back of the Merton Meadow. As in over the bridge and drive to the back. You do want to be a winner?

Next, you must track down Jeremy. It is known that Jeremy sells the big winners.  Spotting said vendor is not hard.  Buy 4 tickets, no cheapskating.

Next, find Uncle Rob, provider of advice to the stars. He will be enacting Zebedee impressions outside the main stand.  Find him and give him a hug. Just do it. A man hug will suffice if of a delicate nature. Uncle Rob understands that’s what winners do
If you’ve followed my guide, just count that cash …. and don’t forget who shared the winning secrets with you.  Mine’s a treble Malibu..”

Front of house co-editor Simon Wright takes up the story.   “I was so inspired by Jo I thought I’d follow her advice for the Alty game.   I parked certainly further away from the ground than I wished. Early Christmas shoppers didn’t leave me much choice. The Boss was unimpressed with such trudging and worse, didn’t believe that a long walk would lead directly to scooping cash.

Yep, saw Jeremy. Didn’t really have much option when he comes at us like a Stuka divebomber, eyes aflame. The Boss and I had two each, so managed  the requisite four tickets.

Ah Uncle Rob.. Well, not quite a man-hug from me, more a meaningful look.  Near enough apparently.
And yet I scooped £420 first prize.  Sorry Jo, had to dash off to a gig in Birmingham, but treble Malibu from me next time, I promise.”

So not only is Talking Bull probably the best Non-League fanzine in the country, we also offer valuable financial advice too…  Your Hereford fanzine. You know it makes sense.

By Editor

Lifelong Hereford supporter who has endured the rise and fall of the club through progressive generations. Sports journalist, broadcaster and commentator who will never forget his Edgar Street roots.

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