In Talking Bull issue 113, a HUST 50/50 draw winner Jo Harrison shared some of her trade secrets. Here’s a brief reminder of her wisdom…
“Park at the very back of the Merton Meadow. As in over the bridge and drive to the back. You do want to be a winner?
Next, you must track down Jeremy. It is known that Jeremy sells the big winners. Spotting said vendor is not hard. Buy 4 tickets, no cheapskating.
Next, find Uncle Rob, provider of advice to the stars. He will be enacting Zebedee impressions outside the main stand. Find him and give him a hug. Just do it. A man hug will suffice if of a delicate nature. Uncle Rob understands that’s what winners do
If you’ve followed my guide, just count that cash …. and don’t forget who shared the winning secrets with you. Mine’s a treble Malibu..”
Front of house co-editor Simon Wright takes up the story. “I was so inspired by Jo I thought I’d follow her advice for the Alty game. I parked certainly further away from the ground than I wished. Early Christmas shoppers didn’t leave me much choice. The Boss was unimpressed with such trudging and worse, didn’t believe that a long walk would lead directly to scooping cash.
Yep, saw Jeremy. Didn’t really have much option when he comes at us like a Stuka divebomber, eyes aflame. The Boss and I had two each, so managed the requisite four tickets.
Ah Uncle Rob.. Well, not quite a man-hug from me, more a meaningful look. Near enough apparently.
And yet I scooped £420 first prize. Sorry Jo, had to dash off to a gig in Birmingham, but treble Malibu from me next time, I promise.”
So not only is Talking Bull probably the best Non-League fanzine in the country, we also offer valuable financial advice too… Your Hereford fanzine. You know it makes sense.