A beer glass and a pork pie. Not what I expected to bring home from a football match today.

Hereford  2 –  0  Buxton

This was a good day. I sold a few 50/50 tickets – ok more than a few thanks to the many decent people on this list and elsewhere. I was based in or near the HUST table where Tony Taylor was flogging a few glasses cheaply. I couldn’t resist. When exiled bull Nick Ratcliffe kindly bought me a pork pie, I couldn’t resist that either. Consumed now nick and most tasty indeed.

I was surrounded by supping, affable Hereford followers and I had the realisation this is where I want to be. With Clan Hereford. No longer will I be watching a Black Country club. So many great people here who were more than happy to say hello. This place is special and ultimately the reason why I have been engaged in Hereford related work every day this week. Heavens I will even be an official volunteer soon..

The game? Ah so typical step 2. Hustle, block, punt, make mistakes, fall over.. At first I thought Buxton had a defensive wall which wouldn’t be breached while their attack sometimes danced through our back four with short passes. But they ran out of steam, looked old and slow – with the exception of their new signing Levi Andoh . What did he go there for?

Once our regular goal scoring Defender Haines found the net, the points were heading our way. Pinches clincher made for a very comfortable last few minutes. Luxury..

What an excellent crowd today. The extra hundreds do wonders for our finances. If you can. please keep coming. You all make a difference.

Simon Wright

Images: Simon Wright & Graham Goodwin

By Editor

Lifelong Hereford supporter who has endured the rise and fall of the club through progressive generations. Sports journalist, broadcaster and commentator who will never forget his Edgar Street roots.

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