This from HUST in Volunteers’ Week 2020
We feel it is right for us to celebrate the contribution of the hundreds of people who Volunteer to make the running of our Football Club possible.
This year we would like to start with thanks to the HFC Directors. They are all Volunteers, freely investing an enormous amount of time and effort into the running of our Club.
Next are the HFC Volunteers both on Matchdays’ and at other times. Is there anything they do not turn their hand to? We know many of them are HUST members so a big thank to all our Club Volunteers: our Badge Seller, Hospitality Team, Club Shop, Doctors and First Aiders, Security, Exec Club, Historian, Junior Bulls including Edgar our amazing Mascot, Maintenance, Safety, Media, Photographers, Radio Hereford FC, program Sellers, Stadium Enhancement Team, Ticket Office, Turnstile Operators and last but not least the 50/50 Sellers.
HUST is itself run entirely by Volunteers. So a round of applause for those who volunteer as HUST Directors, Trust Company Secretaries and all those who help out with fundraising and expertise when required.
But our biggest Thank You, as HUST, needs to go to the HUST 50/50 team.
After six years of effort, in all weathers, and over £116,000 raised, there are a lot of people we need to thank. All volunteers of the highest standard. Pride of place needs to go to those who took on responsibility for running the draw. Take a bow, Mike Langford, Richard Tomkins, Peter Sell and Tony Taylor. An extra cheer for Mike Langford who set up all the original systems and ways of operating. We still operate in basically, the same way today, albeit with few extra bits added by our Treasurer.
Then there are our Sellers whose patter and loud voices were so adept at selling the tickets. They were so much part of the match day experience. Our apologies if we miss anyone as there is no definitive list. But thanks to Nigel, Jean, Mike, Ian (many Mikes and Ians’), Karen, Andy, Derek, Peter, Richard, Tony, Rachel, Joanie and that force of nature that is Jeremy.
But most of all it is an enormous THANK YOU to all those who bought a ticket. Meeting you all on a match day was a privilege, thank you for making all that hard work enjoyable.